Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


ini kelas tergilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sepanjang massaaaa!! pas awal kelas 11 aku kira aku gak bise deket sama anak anak e-conners (yg sekarang berubah nama jadi twe-conners) tapi ternyata salah besaaaar anak anak twe conners asik asik semuaaa pokoknya macem macem deeh ada yg gila,gobyosan,galauan,gak puya malu,sampeeee yang pendiem juga ada wkwkwk

Babby bunny part 2

ini anak satu kadang super duper mega giga nyebeliin ngeselin banget tapi kadang ngangenin nyenengin ngegemesin bangeeeet ngeeet ngeeet. udah palanya gundul kumisan mukanya bunder badannya bengkakk tapiiiiii kalo mau marah jadi mikir mikir lagiii deeh♥. Tapi ahir ahir ini kita rasanya kayak di ujung tanduk banget we are in a wrong relationship right nooowww!!!
i missed the old us yiyiik

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

it's about our friendship

how lucky i am have them all. They always bring me happiness. I always enjoy every single time that i have spent with them.they are my best i ever had and met since i am in that senior high school 

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

we have been walked for about eighteen months

Never i thought that i can walked for a long time like this with another 'guy' like you!!
So surprised! but this is the fact.
I want to tell you about that guy. His name was . I called him baby bunny. Because his face is unusual has a big nose like bunny and his moustache was so cute and i swear i really love him.

babby bunny